Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Top Ten Covers I Wish I Could Redesign

Top Ten Tuesday is Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

1. The Girl Who Chased The Moon

The cover itself is pretty beautiful. The problem lies with the woman. Look at her waist! It looks like someone got Photoshop-happy and removed her ribs or something. It also looks to me like they stretched her limbs or just made them way too skinny, too.

2. Persuasion

Booooring. I'll be choosing another edition's cover for my Goodreads bookshelf probably.

3. The Princess Diaries

Too girly and cliche. Tiaras are usually a big turnoff for me.

4. Size 14 is not Fat Either

I just feel like Meg Cabot covers are usually pretty uninspired and bland and this one is no exception. What does a woman taking off her shirt have anything to do with the story anyways?

5. Chapter 29 Revisited

This one (if you couldn't already tell) is one of those eBook-only self-published books. It was also free, when I downloaded it. This just illustrates so well the plight of the self-published book cover. It seems the theory is, "the more photoshopped and cheesy I make my book cover look, the more people will want to read it?"
6. Untamed

The woman on the cover just looks so raggedy. I can't get over the hair. It looks like she just came out of the gym.

7. Crescendo

This cover is just so overdone. The wet girl, the storm, the lightning, the font, the red feather... the Hush, Hush covers were in general very nice, but this one just ruined it. This one looks like it belongs being sold at Hot Topic.

8. Star Island

What I don't like is that this cover doesn't follow the same rule and style of Hiaasen's other book covers. For the Mass Market Paperback edition they updated it to be more like the other book covers, but this one still bothers me.

9. For Time and Eternity

The woman on the cover looks like a crackhead. I guess because pioneers were nearly starving to death that's why she looks so malnourished? I also think maybe her ugliness is maybe symbolic for the inner ugliness of the author. I'm sure once taken out of rags and with a splash of makeup the woman looks much better outside of this picture, but the author can't make up for her attitude...

10. Holidays on Ice

I can't stand how it looks crooked!

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