Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Book Review: The Fury and The Terror

Hmm... okay. So, I'm trying to gather my thoughts so that I can adequately, coherently, and fairly review this book. A little background on how the book came to me first. My sweety pie, Jeremiah, borrowed this book to me. I didn't ask for a book to borrow, but one evening he had two books sitting on his coffee table for me that he apparently thought I'd enjoy. He and I have pretty different taste in books, though we have found some "common denominators" in books we've read in the past. He prefers "spy novels" and I prefer... well, anything really as long as it's words on a page with a good enough story line. I just have never read a spy book or a book where guns or war- for example- play a heavy role in the overall theme. When he handed me this book, I wasn't really sure if I would like it or what to expect, but I trust his opinion in books and am always looking to expand my reading horizons.

Also, how awkward is it when a friend or significant other gives you a book that they loved and you read it and find it subpar? Yikes. Jeremiah said, "I re-read this book at least once a year." Okay, so there's a lot of pressure for me to like this book. 

So, I went home and began reading. In the beginning, I was confused. I had no idea what's going on and it wasn't so enjoyable. However, with the introduction of the character of Eden Waring, which comes very early in the book, I really started enjoying it. Now, let me go back to the confusing part. This is probably not the author's fault, but rather Jeremiah's fault. He forgot one important detail about the book- it's the second in the series. By the time, he remembered I was already over 100 pages in. No turning back now. In retrospect, I do wish I would have stopped and went back and read the first, The Fury. Even during the last few pages of the book, I still was confused and had questions about some things. Luckily, the book was good enough that my confusion wasn't enough for me to want to put it down.

I think the female characters are what really kept me going. I really enjoyed Eden, Rona, and Bertie. Even though Rona was one of the "bad guys" she was one of my favorite characters. See, I wish I could describe the book, but I really can't. I don't really know where to start as there's so much going on. Also, some things I just don't know because oops, I didn't read the first one. To best sum up- very superficially- what's happening I'll use part of the Goodreads description, "The United States is besieged by terrorists- terrorists who work from within The White House itself. Their weapon of choice is a type of mind control not even dreamed of years ago." Psychic capabilities play a large role in the story. For that, I really liked the sci-fi elements. 

The author is definitely a great storyteller. I loved how the book could go from super-intense to almost humorous. Almost like The X-Files, but in book format. I *hate* to reference television shows while writing book reviews (not) which some kind person on Goodreads chastised me for. I can't be the only person who while watching a movie is reminded of a book, or while reading a book is reminded of a TV show or even a song. Is that such a crime? 

Anyways, I do plan on getting around to reading the first book in the series eventually. I'm giving The Fury and The Terror 4 out of 5 stars. I was pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable and interesting it was.

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