Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday Scriptures

I'm actually writing this ahead of time so I don't have to spend time on the Sabbath to do it. I'm trying to be serious about what I spend my Sabbath doing. Last week, my first time really trying to observe the Sabbath went well. This week I'm hoping to get some more genealogy work done, which I didn't do last week. 

Here's a picture from some of our Sabbath family time:

We played some board games and read our books. After we read stories from The Jesus Storybook Bible we watched the corresponding video on The Mormon Channel. I enjoyed it and I think it's safe to say the kids did too. Since the children have a lot of pent-up energy from church, I was thinking this week about going on a long family walk/bike ride before we settle down at home. I'll write the following week what we end up doing.

Proverbs 4:23

Christian Humor:

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