Pigs in Clover is the hilarious tale of Simon Dawson and his wife, Debbie, who decide to move to the country and be almost totally self-sufficient on their small farm in Devon, England. Prior to their life as small-time farmers they lived in London and worked as a real estate agent (Simon) and an attorney (Debbie).
This book was so wonderful, it was a truly enjoyable read. I can really not even write a long review about it because there was really nothing that I didn't like. I loved reading about country life and their struggles. Simon's relationship with his animals was definitely entertaining and I loved the parts with their friend Ziggy. This was a wonderfully entertaining memoir. Never a boring moment. Sometimes it was funny, sometimes it was stressful, sometimes it was sad, Simon did a great job of making the reader feel the emotion right through the pages as if they were right there on the smallholding with him. No matter what was happening in the book, the atmosphere remained light and chatty. This is a great pleasure read and I am giving it 5 out of 5 stars.
I received an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this book courtesy of NetGalley and Watkins Publishing Limited in exchange for an honest review.
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